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An introduction to: beigetintedglasses

Unsure of any other appropriate way to start, I'll just go with saying hello (if anyone's out there). I'm Chloe, the person behind the not-so-mysterious beigetintedglasses blog. I'm also aware of the fact that, due to being a complete beginner at writing for purposes other than list making or uni assignment scribbling, this could become a long and very boring stream of consciousness. With that in mind, I suppose I'll just start before I'm tempted to map out an overly detailed essay plan that is completely inappropriate for a supposedly 'relaxed' blog post (can you tell I'm a uni student?).

You may have guessed from the name of this blog, and if not, I'm sure it will become abundantly clear when I start writing actual fashion content, but one of my main personality traits is in fact wearing beige and neutral clothing. It's not so much a rule that I abide by, but a pattern that I've fallen into (not literally though, as I don't wear much pattern either). Conscious of making my wardrobe sound like a place where colourful clothing goes to die, I feel like I should justify why I'm such an advocate for neutrals. First and foremost I must say, I'm not completely against colour, and I do own a few colourful pieces (gasp) that I occasionally opt for to inject a bit of life into an all-black outfit however, on the whole, I'm a beige kind of girl.

I'm a firm believer in wearing what makes you feel like the most authentic version of yourself, and the most comfortable (not necessarily in the literal sense, although I would be lying if I said I didn't live in my lululemon leggings). For me, putting on a neutral outfit has the ability to completely change my mood and give me the confidence I feel like I don't otherwise have, and I feel like none other than the queen of drag, RuPaul said it best: "we're all born naked, and the rest is drag".

I may or may not have heard the words "compulsive shopping addiction" muttered in my direction on multiple occasions, but when I do shop, I do try to make sure what I'm buying will fit in with clothes I already wear, which most of the time they do, seeing 99% of the things I own are beige. That being said, I'm trying to make a conscious effort to only buy things that I can see myself wearing for years to come, and in the name of sustainability and not promoting overconsumption, this blog will not be a source of guilty pleasure for shopaholics (but for any shopaholics that happen to be reading this, I see you, I hear you, buy the shoes if they're going to make you happy).

My wardrobe consists mainly of basics (hence the lack of colour and print) and for me, I feel the most put together and confident when I'm wearing an outfit consisting of simple yet good quality (as good quality as a uni student's budget can buy) pieces. I'm also very aware that a good portion of my clothes are from the same handful of shops (COS, I'm looking at you) but I've found myself being drawn to more oversized, Scandinavian designs as they make me feel the chicest and most confident. I think, as a 21-year-old, it's easy to get caught up in the latest trends of what your peers are wearing, for instance, the y2k wave that we're in right now. But I've always felt some kind of resistance to adopting fleeting trends, and quite honestly, I've accepted that it's okay not to be a cool girl and, rather, to be a black, white, and beige girl. Also, full disclaimer, by not subscribing to 'fleeting trends', my style is by no means groundbreaking or innovative, it's simple, wearable, and (hopefully) timeless.

I think that's probably quite enough waffling for now, maybe in my next blog post, I'll include some actual fashion content, who knows?


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